Thursday, December 30, 2010

10 Predictions For Electronic Music Making In The Next Decade

For all the Electronic music nuts out is what 'synthead' reckons the future will bring....

The Best Synth Ever?Prognostication is always a dangerous game.

And when it comes to predicting the future of electronic music technology, it’s downright foolhardy.

We’re not going to let that keep us from peering into the crystal ball, though, and sharing our thoughts on the future of electronic music making.

10 Predictions For Electronic Music Making In The Next Decade

Here are 10 predictions for what’s ahead – not just in 2011, but for the next ten years:

  1. Modular synthesis goes mainstream – the price of modular synthesizers has plummeted in the last few years. A Moog modular used to cost as much as a house. Now you can get a sophisticated modular synth for a few thousand dollars. More and more synths, like the Minimoog Voyager XL, are adding semi-modular features, too. Multiple options are available for modular software synthesis and there are even modular synths for mobile devices. Now that modular synths are becoming affordable, they need to become easier to learn. Just as synths have sprouted knobs and become easier to use in the last decade, modular synthesis will become more visual and tactile in the next decade.
  2. Music robots join the band – 10 years ago, the idea of jamming with robots was science fiction. Since then, there’s been all kinds of innovation in the area of music robots. We’ve reported on robots that play the theremin; creepy pop singer robots; robots that improvise jazz; robot orchestras; and gamelan robots. And earlier this year, Pat Metheny replaced his band with robots. This technology is going to go mainstream in the next decade. Instead of playing with sequences, you’ll be remixing the performances of music robots playing “live”.
  3. Handheld music making becomes the norm – hate all those articles about iPad music software? We are really, really sorry – but handheld devices are going to be more powerful than your current desktop in three or four years, and these devices will become the norm for making electronic music. Don’t forget how skeptical people were about laptop music making 10 years ago. The iPad is going to get some serious challengers, though, which will mean lots of cheap and powerful hardware to choose from. But handheld music devices won’t just get more powerful – they’ll be more aware of their surroundings, communicating wirelessly with other devices, GPS’ing their location, viewing the world through multiple cameras and sensing how you hold them and move them. And when you take your handheld device home, it will become the brain of your home studio.
  4. You’ll design your own instruments – in the last few years, synth “hot rodding” has grown in popularity. You can get Roland TB-303′s with mods, keyboards with customized paint jobs and custom LEDs and end panels in the exotic woods of your choice. This is going to go mainstream in the next decade, with gear manufacturers offering you the option to order your gear completely customized. Advances in manufacturing technology are going to push this further though. In a decade, you’ll design your own instruments, you’ll test them out virtually and they will be “printed” to your specifications.
  5. Cloud-based music-making will get real – cloud-based music-making, the idea that you’ll make music in a virtual studio hosted somewhere online, will take off. Current cloud-based virtual studios are about where ReBirth was ten years ago. Project this forward a decade, though, and you’ll be making music in a 3D virtual studio. You’ll rearrange your virtual studio to meet the way you work. Your home studio will be made up of real instruments, flexible controllers and giant touchscreens. You’ll be able to take your studio with you, though, because you’ll be able to access your tracks and racks of virtual gear from wireless devices and any computer that you can log on to.
  6. You’ll see musicians getting electronic music body modifications – the next decade will bring body modifications that let you turn your flesh into a musical instrument. No flute jokes – we are talking about tattoos that can be used as music controllers; embedded sensors that sense your body movements and transmit them wirelessly; and electronics that are so tiny that they can be fused with your body. You’ll control synths with your mind and your body will become a synthesizer.
  7. Everything will be a musical instrument - gestural synthesis and tangible music controller technologies are going to move from being interesting toys to being powerful tools. You’ve seen the Reactable and you’ve seen tangible sequencers and what musicians are doing with the Kinect. In the next decade, your computer will use its camera and microphone to “understand” what you’re doing with your hands and body. Your computer will see you do things like draw a keyboard and then let you use that picture as a controller to play a virtual instrument. Take a chessboard and use it as a grid sequencer. Wave your hands around in the air and you’ll be playing a virtual theremin. Dig a bit deeper and you’ll use the motion of dancers as modulators for synthesizing music. Put a camera on the club floor and the density of dancers can be a modulator for controlling your DJ software. Everything will become an instrument that you can make part of your rig.
  8. Music software will get smarter – the state of the art in digital audio workstations is amazing. But, by and large, DAW manufacturers are still making virtual versions of traditional hardware studios. Most soft synths still look and act like their hardware predecessors, and that’s what buyers are demanding. At this point, imitating traditional studios is horseless carriage thinking – letting what we can imagine be defined by the past. In the next decade, music software is going to get smarter and interfaces will make bolder leaps. You’ll tell your computer that you want to make an drum and bass track and your DAW will anticipate the way you’ll want your virtual studio configured. Ready get started? Say “gimme a beat!” You’ll interact with your DAW to “evolve” new sounds. You’ll hum the bassline and your DAW will notate it. You’ll build the track by saying that you want a 32 measure intro and a drop down to the bass and then bring the kick back in after 16 measures. You’ll draw a curve on a timeline to define the shape of your track, do a run through and improvise over the rhythm track. Then you’ll tell your DAW to add a middle eight and double the bassline and to master it with more “zazz” and it will be saved in the cloud for your fans to listen to.
  9. You’ll have to rethink everything you know about the music industry – The major labels are losing their role as gatekeepers and this has been replaced with chaos. The album is increasingly obsolete. The Internet means you can connect with fans on the other side of the world, in real-time. YouTube has replaced MTV. Your ability to find fans, get gigs and get paid for making music is going to depend on your ability to rethink everything you know about the music industry, in the context of today’s connected world. If you’re making niche electronic music, you may need to find your audience in another city or another country. Or you may find that you can have a thousand dedicated fans diffused around the globe, but struggle to get a dozen to show up at a local gig. If you want to have an audience, understanding how you can collaborate with musicians and visual artists located around the world and how you can publish your work to the Web will become essential.
  10. Music will become intelligent – The idea of selling fixed music will become archaic in the next decade. Why should everybody that hears your music hear the exact same thing, forever, regardless of their sound system, regardless of their location, regardless of what they are doing and regardless of who they are? Music is going to become more malleable. It will adapt to its surroundings and what the listener is doing. We’re already starting to see this with “reactive music” – like the free Inception music app, which adapts to the listener’s location and environment and actions. Apps like BT’s Sonifi let the listener take an active role, interactively remixing singles with movements and gestures. The new decade will bring one-to-one music making. Instead of making one track for everyone, you’ll create unique musical experiences for each person that listens to your music. You’ll make music that incorporates feedback from the user, that can react to their motion, and that adapts itself to blend seamlessly with the previous song the user listened to. You’ll make music that listens to its environment and updates its density to create a customized soundtrack to listeners’ lives. Music will have intelligent decision making embedded into it, giving it a life of its own.

You’ve got our predictions. Now, leave a comment and let us know what you think of them.

And if you can peer into that crystal ball yourself, let us know what your predictions are for making electronic music in 2011 and the next decade!

Image: bdu

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Seymour Duncan Introduces Solderless Pickup Change System

Can't wait to get this in Aus...the latest from Seymour Duncan

SANTA BARBARA, Calif., Dec. 7, 2010 /PRNewswire/ — Seymour Duncan announces the debut of Liberator™, the first universal Solderless Pickup Change System for guitar and bass. Liberator is a bare-wire Lockdown system integrated with a high-quality volume pot. With a Liberator-equipped volume pot installed, changing pickups no longer requires heating up a soldering gun—you only need a mini screwdriver. Since Liberator doesn’t require proprietary connectors, it works with nearly any manufacturer’s passive pickups.
Pickups play a key role in defining an instrument’s tone, output, responsiveness, and feel, and different pickups can change the character of an instrument entirely. Vintage-style pickups may convey classic warmth or twang while hot-rodded designs can produce much higher output, greater articulation, or enhanced harmonic response. All of these factors combined affect how an individual interacts with his or her instrument. Soldering pickups is an exacting procedure that can be time-consuming for experienced guitar techs and daunting for players who lack soldering skills. With a Liberator volume pot installed in a guitar or bass, replacing pickups becomes a quick and easy process for players and techs alike.
“Liberator offers a fast, yet rock-solid way for guitar techs to change pickups without firing up the soldering gun, but it also opens the floodgates for legions of players who’d never consider soldering,” says Frank Falbo, Seymour Duncan Vice President of Products. “It broadens the entire landscape of guitar tone. Liberator marks a major new chapter in our long history of helping guitar and bass players find their own personal voice.”
Company co-founder Seymour W. Duncan agrees. “This is a really exciting development,” he says. “As a company, we’ve spent 35 years helping musicians get great tone. Now with Liberator, we can reach more musicians than ever.”
To install pickups with Liberator, you simply insert the bare-wire ends of the pickup leads into Liberator’s color-coded Lockdown connector stations. Turning each station’s screw raises a metal clamp that secures the leads far more reliably than plug-in connectors or less-than-perfect solder joints.
Liberator with Volume Pot is available in 250k and 500k versions for single-coil and dual-humbucker guitars, each for a U.S. retail price of only $35. In early 2011, Seymour Duncan will offer more completely wired, easy-install versions of the Liberator system, including pre-connected volume-and-tone wiring harnesses and pre-wired pickguards.
Anatomy Of Liberator
Liberator is akin to a telephone switchboard or studio patch bay, where easy-insert plug-in stations up front correspond to hard-wired connections behind the scenes. Liberator has two patch bays: The ten-station Pickup Connector and the four-station Potentiometer Connector.
The Pickup Connector’s ten stations directly match the connections of two four-wire humbucking pickups, plus the shield wire, which goes to ground. The colors of the adjacent outbound wires correspond to Seymour Duncan’s humbucker wiring color scheme, but an included color-code guide makes it easy to install pickups from other companies that use different color schemes, as well as single-coils, and single-coil and humbucker combinations.
For the Potentiometer Connector, three stations correspond to the three lugs on a volume pot—input, output, and ground—with an additional ground for bridges or tremolo systems. For those who like soldering and only want to use the Liberator’s Lockdown stations to connect pickups, there are gold-plated solder points for input, output, and ground, plus seven additional gold-plated ground pads, which are designed to be much easier to solder than the back of a potentiometer.
35-Year Tone Revolution
The Liberator Solderless Pickup Change System with Volume Pot and pre-wired solutions come at a momentous time for Seymour Duncan. In 2011, the company is marking its 35th Anniversary of helping musicians individualize their sound. The company founded by Seymour W. Duncan and Cathy Carter Duncan ushered in the era of hot-rodded pickups, authentic vintage pickup recreations, and custom pickup rewinds, all of which brought revolutionary guitar and bass tone to the world’s top players and legions of working musicians everywhere. Helping musicians achieve personalized expression is the company’s long-time mission, and Liberator is a significant step toward breaking down the barriers between technical skill and an actualized personal musical voice. Now for the first time, anyone who can turn a screwdriver can change pickups.
About Seymour Duncan Pickups & Pedals
Seymour Duncan is the world’s leading designer and manufacturer of musical instrument pickups, offering musicians a wide range of pickups and a full line of effects pedals, along with renowned customer service. The company also operates the Seymour Duncan Custom Shop, a boutique workshop that has created custom guitar pickups for scores of top guitarists, including Slash, Mark Knopfler, Billy Gibbons, Los Lobos, and Steve Miller. For more information about Seymour Duncan Pickups & Pedals, visit
Source: Press  Release

Friday, December 3, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

Haworth TV Episode 3 - WIN a FREE Line 6 Amp

Check out the latest episode of Haworth TV and see how you can win a free line 6 amplifier

30% off Marshall Amps

For a limited time we are offering 30% off Marshall Amps.

Visit our website for prices 

Michael Barker's drum solo and tips at Haworth Music

Glenn gets some free drumming tips from Michael Barker during his recent visit to Haworth's Shellharbour Music Centre

Monday, November 22, 2010

Michael Barker PEARL clinic at Haworth's Music

On 17th November 2010, Michael Barker, who is best known for his work with the John Butler Trio, dropped by Haworth's to host a Pearl Drum clinic.

Michael belted the tubs with great gusto and gave away many tricks and tips on how he gets his sound.

Here are some pics of the night, with video footage to follow soon.....

Saturday, November 20, 2010

FPE-TV Presents the Jam Hub

Jamming with your band? Getting complaints from neighbours, parents or the elderly? Fight back with the Jam Hub, where you can jam as loud as you like and no one else has to hear at Haworth's

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Marshall unveil the “Movember” special edition cab

This is cool..Marshall supporting Movember. Good on ya lads..

Marshall Amps has produced a special edition ‘Movember’ cab in support of the charity event, which raises awareness of men’s cancers.

The cab is being given away as a competition prize along with a JCM2000 amplifier head for music-making Movember participants. See for more details.

Contestants just have to upload a two-minute YouTube video of themselves ‘rocking out’ (we’re not sure as to whether they mean dancing or playing) and send Movember the link. Head to the Movember website for more information.

Movember encourages men everywhere to grow moustaches throughout the month of November. Last year they raised a staggering £26million for selected cancer charities around the world.


Monday, November 8, 2010

Haworth's now have MARSHALL AMPS!!

Just got news that Haworth Music will now be stocking a full range of Marshall Amplifiers and we are pumped!

It was only a few months ago that we became dealers of Orange and Hiwatt Amps as well.

We are currently waiting on stock at the moment but have a look on our website for the range and prices...

Marshall Stockists

Haworth's are now authorised Marshall Stockists

And to celebrate, we are offering 30% off!

Visit our website for these crazy prices - only for a limited time, so get in quick!

Haworth TV Episode 2

Latest episode of Haworth TV, check it..

Haworth TV - Episode Two

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fender Drop Retail Prices and Haworth's are Offering 30% off these new prices!

Check out some of these crazy specials!

Fender Std Strat - was $1099RR, now $999 - Haworth's Price - $699

Fender AM Series Tele - Was $2299RR, now $1899 - Haworth's Price - $1329

Fender Highway 1 P Bass - Was $1699RR, now $1399 - Haworth's Price - $979

Visit our website for further info and to order. Or you can ring our friendly staff on (02) 42560088

Super Mario theme on 2guitars

This kid is crazy!!! I feel ashamed to call myself a guitarist after seeing this

Sunday, October 31, 2010

AmpliTube adds guitar recording to the iPhone

Ah the cool, we have very limited stock but should have more arriving soon...

IKMultimedia’s AmpliTube for iOS has been updated with an array of new features that convert the device into a mobile recording studio.

Version 2.0, unveiled Thursday by IK Multimedia, expands the $20 app to allow single-track recording and the ability to export those recordings as high-quality WAV files, or by e-mail as MP3s; four-track recording capabilities can be added to the app with an additional $10 in-app purchase. The app also includes a “re-amping” feature that allows users to add effects to a recorded song without having to re-record it.

The update also addresses earlier criticisms by allowing users to import music directly from their iPod song library-or via Wi-Fi file sharing-where the tempo can now be slowed down or sped up without affecting the pitch of the song. And new stompbox options have been added to the sound effects library, bringing the total to 16. The developers say the app’s overall sound quality has also been improved, and the update includes a setup panel with input and output level controls.

An update to AmpliTube for iPad is also expected shortly, IK Multimedia announced.

AmpliTube 2.0 is compatible with any iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 3.1.3 or later.


Friday, October 29, 2010

Gibson announce new "revolutionary" guitar that's light years ahead of the rest...

This is interesting..the new Gibson Firebird X guitar has inbuilt effects and Bluetooth to use with pedals or computers....

Gibson have unveiled their latest new model, the Firebird X. Ace Frehley, The Roots’ Kirk Douglas, Eddie Ojeda and Jay Jay French from Twisted Sister, Lou Pallo, Russ Paul were all drafted in to attend the launch where CEO Juszkiewicz modestly described it as “an instrument light years ahead of anything ever built”.

“This is new. This is different. This is revolution,” he declared before unveiling the axe. “Nobody looks and spends the time to reinvent the guitar. This is a new guitar.”

Featuring an ash body and maple neck it comes equipped with RoboTuners, three regular pickups and a bridge piezo, built in effects (modulation, echo, reverb, compression, distortion and EQ). It features bluetooth to transmit data to a computer or pedals and comes bundled with Ableton Live 8 and Guitar Rig 4 Pro.

Source: Annoucement and Specs.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Haworth TV Episode One

Haworth Music have just launched our very first episode of Haworth TV. For all our upcoming events, freebies, special offers and gear news subscribe to us on YouTube to make sure you hear about it first!

Best Drum Solo Ever | JBT - Michael Barker

Michael Barker awesome drum solo...He will be performing live at Haworth's Music Shellharbour Nov 17th. Places very limited, book your seat now. Ph 02 4256 0088 or

Monday, October 25, 2010

Jimmy Page’s limited edition autobiography sells out before release

Jimmy page's autobiography is $775 but sold out before it's release date! Dang people love Jimmy!

‘Jimmy Page by Jimmy Page’ is a leather bound and silk wrapped limited edition photographic autobiography from the Led Zeppelin guitarist. Despite costing an eye-watering £495/$775 it has already sold out, even though it has not been officially released.

Sources: and

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The bearded man reviews Electro Harmonix Small Clone Chorus Pedal

Haworth Guitars review of Electro Harmonix Small Clone Chor

Haworth Guitars show off their Maton Diamond Series Custom

Reminder - FREE Restring Day - Sat Oct 23rd 2010

Haworth's Newsletter Oct 2010


Showing the Love -
Guitar Servicing at Haworths

Give your guitar the ultimate special treatment with a full service from our professional service team headed by master luthier - Phil Haworth. We will check over every part of your guitar from the intonation and action height right through to the operations of the electronics. Not only will this extend the life of your guitar, but it can drastically improve your playing by making it easier to fret notes. 
We guarantee you wont regret a custom guitar setup from Haworth Guitars

Recording Workshop

We were overwhelmed with the amount of positive feedback from our Recording Workshop last Wednesday night. For those of you who missed it, Matt and Dan covered the basics in home recording along with a few of the more advanced subjects. Our guest artist 'Milky' filled the room with his dulcet tones as we tracked guitar, vocals, and covered MIDI instrumentation. We then carried right on through to mixing and basic mastering. The night was a success with no major hiccups and a whole heap of happy attendees. We are looking for some suggestions for topics to cover on our next workshop night so if you have any ideas reply to this email with your suggestions!
Restring Day around the Corner!

That's right folks, the next D'Addario 'Free Restring Day' will be here at Haworths on Saturday 23rd. World record holding guitar 're-stringer' Glenn Haworth will be at your service restringing your guitars from 10am through to 1pm that day. There will be limited slots available to book your guitar in for a restring so get your name in fast by replying to this email or calling us here at the store on (02)42560088. Check out the bottom of this newsletter for more info!

The Latest from Mackie

Looking to get a new P.A soon? Or even looking at upgrading your existing setup? The latest products from Mackie are in stock at the moment, and their latest releases are very impressive! Super light weight 300W speakers that pack a huge punch and wont burn a hole in the pocket. Not to mention the pristine sound reproduction from there MR series reference monitors which you can hear here in the store! After teaming up with the top end U.S speaker manufacturer EAW earlier this year, Mackie have re- released their speakers showing traits found in only the top end of speaker manufacturers. The addition of the super light weight class-D power amps and new 'phase accurate' crossovers, the new Mackie's deliver punch like no other speaker in their class!
Positions available for the Daddario restring day are from 10am-11am, 11am-12pm, 12pm-1pm. Please call ahead and let us know what time your coming in so we can be sure there is a spot for you. Guitars being restrung are normal electric and acoustic guitars only, this does not include 12 string guitars, dobros, banjos, mando's, ukuleles, classical guitars, any electric guitar with a floyd rose or full floating tremolo bridge, guitars with more than 6 strings.

Grohl, Slash and Metallica set for “Lemmy: The Movie”

New Motörhead documentary is coming out....sounds interesting

Dave Grohl, Slash and Metallica are set to appear in a new documentary movie about Motorhead’s Lemmy.

The film, entitled Lemmy, follows the singer across the world over a three-year period.

Shot by Greg Olliver and Wes Orshoski, the film also includes extensive interviews with the star.

“When it comes to rock n roll you need something to believe in. Integrity means everything,” Grohl said.

“To me, more than any other rock musician, Lemmy is the baddest motherf*cker in the world.”

Lemmy will receive its UK premiere at the London Film Festival on October 23, before being given a run in selected cinemas throughout the UK from December 3.

It is due to be released on DVD on January 2011.


Monday, October 18, 2010

Maton Custom Shop

Makes me proud to be an awesome look into why Maton Guitars are played by the world's best...we will have to get Andy Allen back into Haworth's again for another workshop!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Your Instrument is in the best hands

Haworth's owner and luthier Phil Haworth built his first guitar in 1985 while teaching woodwork at Campbelltown High School. He continued to hone his skills using his new found hobby to build guitars, banjos, mandolins, mandolas and even double basses. In 1999 due to increasing demand for the Haworth instruments, Phil resigned from his full time teaching work to become a full-time luthier.

In recent years, Phil has dedicated himself to establishing a Repair Centre of Excellence. His repair team consisting of his son Glenn and the likeable Andy Thomson have been trained by Phil and pride themselves on their high level of workmanship.

The Haworth's team have worked with other experienced luthiers such as Andy Allen who heads the Maton Custom Shop and Gerard Gilet from Botany's Gilet Guitars, its not hard to see why guitars are being brought from all over the country to be serviced at Haworths.

At Haworth's we guarantee that you will receive the best service, the best workmanship and the best care. So you can rest assured - Your instrument is in the best hands...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Shaun & Fernando Jamming at Haworth's

Haworth's Free Restring Day - Sat 23rd Oct 2010

Come and get a FREE* set of D'Addario strings on your guitar for Free
Sat Oct 23rd 2010
9:30 - 5pm
Haworth's Shellharbour Music Centre
Book in your guitar by phoning the store on (02) 42560088

Conditions -
* One guitar per customer
* Must have a booking
* No classical, bass, floyd rose or 12 string guitars
* 6 string guitars only

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Haworth's Recording Workshop - Wednesday 29th September 2010

Join us on Wednesday the 29th of September for our home recording info night.

Our in-house specialists, Matt Bragg and Dan Beazley will take you through the basics in setting up and using your home recording setup to record a song from scratch.

We will cover basic concepts such as microphone technique, using a MIDI keyboard, Using MIDI Files, Mixing, Tracking and much more. There will be awesome prices available on the night only, on recording setups, accessories, microphones, MIDI Keyboards and more.

Time afterwards will be allocated for your questions, please call the shop here on (02) 42560088 to put your name down as there are limited spots available.

Date - Wed 29th Sep 2010
Time - 6-9pm
Cost - FREE
RSVP - By calling the store on (02) 42560088

Review of the Washburn D10SCE

Review on the Maton Haworth Custom